Are you working from home? Let Bayport help you equip your workstation with an affordable loan
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Bayport Blog

How to set yourself up to work from home

Published: July 6, 2020
Categories: Personal loans
Tags: Affordability, Financial Tips, Online loans, Small Loans

For many people, working from home is their new normal, at least for a few days a week. Whatever your situation, you need something more than a corner of the dining room table. The right loan can help you set up your workspace quickly and affordably.

Covid-19 has confined us to our homes to a greater or lesser extent. Where possible, parents work from home, and learners and students study from home, and even as lockdown restrictions change, it is likely that many of us will continue working and studying from home to some degree.

What was an adventure, in the beginning, can turn into irritation and even a source of conflict as members of the family jostle for space around the kitchen table. Not to mention when work documents and schoolbooks get in the way of preparing meals or other family activities. And working on your bed is definitely not good for your neck, back, and, ultimately, productivity.

Here, then, are some ideas to consider around setting up your home office or workstation:

  • If at all possible, find a space that is only yours, even if it only the size of your small desk. This helps to keep you organised and is also a signal to yourself, and the people you live with, that you are at work when you are in your space. A room divider can be very handy to secure your space – set it up when you want to work, and put it away when you are done.
  • Make sure your workstation has natural light. Studies have shown that natural light is the number-one thing that makes employees feel great about a workspace. Without natural light, you’ll quickly feel bored, tired, or shut-in. Your brain will have a hard time tapping the energy it needs to focus. So no matter where you decide to put your home office, make sure it has a clear view of a window. The bigger and brighter the window, the better, but work with what you’ve got.
  • If you don’t have a wall against which you can place your desk, try tucking it up against the back of your couch or even under a staircase.
  • If you don’t have space for an office chair, see if you can use something else instead, such as an exercise ball. Using a piece of furniture for more than one purpose saves space and money.
  • Think creatively about storage. Instead of a big desk with drawers, use a small table and put shelves up on the wall for your files, papers, and stationery.

You might be lucky to already have most of what you need to set up your workstation or home office. But if you don’t, an affordable short-term loan could be the answer.

Before you apply for a loan, however, here are a few tips to ensure you get the best value:

  • Figure out exactly how much you need to borrow. Make a list of everything you need for your workstation, and see what you can get without buying it. For instance, a friend or family member might have a table they’re not using. The worst you can do is suck a number out of your thumb. If you borrow too little you will need a second loan, for which you will have to pay admin fees again. If you borrow too much, you will end up with an unnecessary debt burden.
  • Take the time to understand how the loan will affect your cash flow. Simply click here [hyperlink] to access Bayport’s personal loan affordability calculator. Play around with amounts and repayment periods to get a very good idea of what the monthly instalment would be. Now plug those numbers into your monthly budget and see what the impact is.
  • Choose the right credit provider. Always go for companies that are registered financial services providers – they are bound by the regulations that were put in place to protect consumers. You don’t want to become a victim of reckless lending.
  • Keep a clear head while going through the loan application process. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions and know exactly how much the loan will cost you. Do not sign anything unless you are sure you understand everything.
  • Stick to the loan agreement, pay your instalments on time, and, if at all possible, pay more than the minimum amount. By managing your short-term loan well, you can even boost your credit health.

For more information on personal loans, visit

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